
ChromieCraft Gold for Alliance & Horde – WoW WOTLK Private Server


ChromieCraft Gold

How to buy ChromieCraft Gold

  1. Select your faction (Alliance or Horde)
  2. Select Gold Amount
  3. Insert Character Name
  4. Submit a payment. Receive the gold.

Character Name: *

SKU: N/A Categories: ,


Buy ChromieCraft Gold for Alliance and Horde. ChromieCraft is a “twink-progressive” Wrath of the Lich King private server with dynamic level caps.

ChromieCraft WOTLK realm information:

Chromiecraft is RP/PvE WotLK server with a special focus on PvP twinking. There is a scoreboard with the BG statistics and give prizes every month to the top players.

The name of the project, Chromie Craft is delivered from Chromie, one of the Bronze Dragonflight blessed by Aman’thul with the power of protecting the timelines. But she’s also a gnome and she likes to play with …”tools”. Therefore, she created this “temporal discombobulator” to allows people travelling between eras (our expansions) to enjoy the old time. The peculiarity of this tool is that it creates an immutable timeline, that’s the reason why its events continue to happen over and over again (for instance, when you kill a boss).

ChromieCraft WOTLK Gold, Accounts and Powerleveling

ChromieCraft WOTLK Gold, Accounts and Powerleveling

How it Works

Select the gold amount needed, your faction (Alliance or Horde) and insert your character. Depending on the contemporary best trade practices, we may 1) mail or 2) trade you the gold or 3) we may contact you about different delivery methods like Auction House or items.

Refund Policy

Our refund policy is: If you don’t get the gold within maximum of 24 hours from your purchase, you are entitled to full refund. Check our Refunds & Returns Policy page for full information.

ChromieCraft Accounts / Boosts & Powerleveling

Besides cheap gold for ChromieCraft WOTLK, we also offer Accounts and Powerleveling.

If you are looking to buy ChromieCraft Horde gold – it is available.

If you are looking to buy ChromieCraft Alliance gold – it is available.

ChromieCraft Accounts for Sale

If you are looking to buy account for ChromieCraft WoW WotLK private server, browse our available accounts below.

Additional information

Additional information


Alliance, Horde


500 Gold, 600 Gold, 700 Gold, 800 Gold, 900 Gold, 1000 Gold, 1500 Gold, 2000 Gold, 3000 Gold, 4000 Gold, 5000 Gold, 6000 Gold, 7000 Gold, 8000 Gold, 9000 Gold, 10000 Gold, 15000 Gold, 20000 Gold