WotLK Loatheb Gold – Buy WoW WotLK Classic Gold for Loatheb


WoW Wrath of the Lich King (WotLK Classic) Gold for Loatheb PvP (Latin America)

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WotLK Loatheb PvP WoW Wrath of the Lich King Classic Latin America (Mexico) Realm Information:

WotLK Loatheb Gold

WotLK Loatheb Gold

Buy WotLK Loatheb Gold for WoW Classic US. Wrath of the Lich King Classic Loatheb Gold available for Horde and Alliance. Loatheb is a PvP (Player vs Player) Spanish speaking realm in the Central Standard Time Zone of WoW WotLK Classic US (Americas & Oceania).

The expansion’s name refers to the Lich King, master and lord of the Scourge which he ruled telepathically through the Helm of Domination from his Frozen Throne atop Icecrown Citadel. When the Lich King awakened, he removed his own heart, believing that anything that made him at all mortal made him weak. Afterwards, he journeyed to Sindragosa’s Fall where he raised the ancient dragon Sindragosa, the first consort to Malygos, as a frost wyrm, then watched his massive undead army prepare for war. While he was sleeping, his death knights trained in Icecrown. After he awoke he and ordered the march on Light’s Hope Chapel because of the thousand heroes of the Alliance buried there. He wanted to raise them and claim those lands for the Scourge. WOTLK is the second expansion set for the MMORPG World of Warcraft. The game added a substantial amount of new content into the game world, including the new continent of Northrend, home of The Lich King Arthas and his undead minions. In order to advance through Northrend, players were required to reach at least level 68, with the level cap for the expansion being 80. The first hero class was introduced, the Death Knight, that starts at level 55.

How it Works

Select the gold amount needed, your faction (Alliance or Horde) and insert your character. Depending on the contemporary best trade practices, we may 1) mail or 2) trade you the gold or 3) we may contact you about different delivery methods like Auction House or items.

Refund Policy

Our refund policy is: If you don’t get the gold within maximum of 24 hours from your purchase, you are entitled to full refund. Check our Refunds & Returns Policy page for full information.

WoW Classic WotLK Loatheb Accounts / Boosts & Powerleveling for all Wrath of the Lich King United States Realms

Besides cheap gold for WoW WotLK Classic US PvP, we also offer WotLK Loatheb PvP Accounts, Ready Made Level 80 Accounts for all Servers/Realms, WoW Classic WotLK Powerleveling, Profession Leveling, WotLK Dungeon Boosts, Items and PvP Boosts.

If you are looking to buy Loatheb Wrath of the Lich King Classic Horde gold – it is available.

If you are looking to buy WoW WotLK Loatheb Alliance gold – it is available.

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Additional links: WotLK Windseeker Gold | Check for gold on other WoW WotLK servers | Buy Account for WotLK WindseekerReturn home

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