Account details:
– Comes with access to the associated e-mail address
– Gear type: Greens & Blues from leveling
– Professions: Leatherworking 300, Skinning 300, First Aid 300, Cooking 300
– Includes: mount 60%

Hunter Lvl 60 Troll Horde Season of Mastery
This Level 60 Horde Troll Hunter is available for the Europe realm Dreadnaught PvP on WoW Season of Mastery (SoM). Hunters are focused on dealing damage with a companion. Your Hunter pet is an essential companion and friend that will always be by your side! In Classic, Hunter pets are an integral part of the class. Most Beasts are tameable, and you can use Beast Lore to gather information on tameable pets. Your pet will need to be fed with Feed Pet, or it will run away. Specific breeds prefer different foods. Each pet has different abilities and excels in different situations, for example, Turtles are great at taking damage.
Dreadnaught PvP WoW Classic EU Realm Information:
Dreadnaught is a PvP (Player vs Player) English speaking realm in the WoW Season of Mastery (Europe) Region. PvP realms are usually the most crowded ones, where open player versus player combat is allowed in all contested territories. The server was launched on 16th November 2021. The realm name is delivered from the Dreadnaught’s Battlegear, the Tier 3 Raid Set in Vanilla WoW Classic. It contains 9 pieces. Has set bonuses at 2, 4, 6, and 8 pieces.